stuff i listened to a lot this week
robotpolisher's Last.fm Weekly Artists Chart
Friday, March 15, 2002
Me and the coffeemaker. Day 3

Yeeee-aagrrrgh!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, I can't feel my scalp.

The easy availability of fresh brewed coffee via a fun to use clicking and whirring one cup at a time machine (See below) has somehow accidentally turned my workday into something akin to a drinking game. How much can I take before I totally crash? How often will I have to go to the bathroom? What will this REALLY end up doing to my stomach lining in the long term.

Jim claims he's a "house blend man" referring to one of the types of coffee packets that come w/ The Device.

John? Red tea.

Me? I just fear the thing like a cargo cultist who found a washed up case of Glenlivet. I don't trust what the box produces, it makes me feel all weird but strangely fullfilled, and if it washed back out on the tide I'd miss it like crazy and probably go into some kind of withdrawal...

howzat for a shaky metaphor! :)

posted by Robotpolisher 11:43 AM ::
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