stuff i listened to a lot this week
robotpolisher's Last.fm Weekly Artists Chart
Tuesday, March 19, 2002

You know, the weird thing is, I used to hate cats.... I used to live with 3 of them. they'd piss on my bag, they'd eat my clothes, they'd be constantly underfoot.... And then I moved in with GF and my life (catwise, and in every other way I can think of) changed radically, and for the better. :)

So as of this morning, in addition to Simon the gay french alarm-clock-cat, me and gf have been blessed by the presence of Amelia.

Amelia = not taking shit from nobody. Amelia = a beautiful cat that needed a home that I swear to god we plan to give her. Amelia hides under couches for bits, and then when her new-in-the-house braveness really kicks in, she hops up on the couch with us and sleeps with her beautiful hereford lookin' head on gf's lap. She's incredible.... She's the first furry out-of-a-cage pet I've ever had in my life, and from all of my childhood dreams of having a dog to run around in the yard with to all my jealousy of new york cat owning friends... Something's just kinda fit into place... in the best way I can imagine...

I paid for the adoption fees for gf as her birthday present. And I hope that she's an amazing present for her, becuase god knows she deserves it.... Oddly enough, though I never really thought about it at the time, I think I'm
loving her being here just as much as if I'd gotten her for myself.

So thank you gf, and thank you amelia. You'll be so happy. I know I already am.

posted by Robotpolisher 1:26 AM ::
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