stuff i listened to a lot this week
robotpolisher's Last.fm Weekly Artists Chart
Friday, September 12, 2003
I get the feeling that this is kind of what it looked like from the grim reaper's perspective:

Sigh. What makes it even odder is that the GF, Zeke and I were sitting last night on our new back deck, the tribute in lights popping out over some neighboring buildings playing, among other things, Johnny Cash songs and commenting on how since June died, it's almost just a matter of time. Well either way, he'll be missed.

And as much as he's not generally credited with being as much of an American icon as Cash, the death of John Ritter strikes a weird chord with me since, as more than a few of you probably know, I largely learned english by watching Threes Company reruns. It's a long story, but make of it what you will.

Strange days, I tell ya.

posted by Robotpolisher 3:36 PM ::
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