stuff i listened to a lot this week
robotpolisher's Last.fm Weekly Artists Chart
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
So Fussbudget did a quite thorough job of describing a lot of the insanity that went on this weekend, and some part of me wonders how worth it it is to go into all the details and everything, especially since 90% of what happened are so inside joke related (see hand-fan post below) that it's debatable whether they merit writing about.

What I can tell you (the possibly un-initiated) is that it was a great weekend, and I've realized that one of the best things in the world must surely be to find yourself somewhere you've never really been before surrounded by friends you only know by from other contexts. Like JT and D looking basically perfect standing in front of hills of grapevines, the sun low and one solitary wispy cloud hanging in the sky, getting "oh hell yeah" married. And Achren, Fussbudget and Angsthase's faces as the San Fran Muni bus's door slammed in their faces with me and the GF on the other side, accidentally carrying us off to another part of town without them. Getting to swing the GF around a wedding dance floor, me all monkey suited up in my communion suit (good call mike) and the GF looking jaw-droppingly amazing, sneaking cigarettes on the deck and watching the sun setting over the hills together. A bunch of us getting stupid drunk by the motel hot-tub, me slicing my hands open trying to open a cider. Sassy pointing out that on the jetblue flight we had personality TV going on: GF watching anmal planet. Me watching the History channel. She watching A&E (but do they show gay porn on A&E? Hmm...) A milllion stupid jokes and laughs at various deserving peoples' expenses. And maybe most of all, seeing Aphid, basically my oldest friend on the planet, driving me around the beautiful area he now calls home and describing all the quirks and ups and downs of North Californains, who we both mutually agreed are just kind of weird. We drove all over the place and saw a ton of things in the time we managed to squeeze in between wedding obligations, but what I only realized in retrospect is that whatever we were doing, we were just talking and catching up, like we didn't live on seperate sides of a continent. And that, ya see, rocks...

So yeah. All the congratulations in the world to JT and D, and here's hoping they're staying safe from the Jaguars.

posted by Robotpolisher 10:47 AM ::
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