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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The part in Innerspace where Dr. Canker and Mr. Igoe (the henchman with the various snap on robotic hand replacements) are having a romantic evening and as the camera pans away you see him snap on what appears to be a large silver vibrator which then proceeds to start buzzing as Dr. Canker laughs with pleasure and the screen fades to black. As a young lad, boy howdy, I sure did not pick up on what was going on there back when that movie was on HBO all the time.
Shiver. That said, I had a lovely night of hanging out with Jessie, Jeremy and Sarah drinking white Russians, watching the aforementioned film (which has held up surprisingly well) and making decorations for our new houseguest Piney McGhee. I also got some advice on how to make Swedish christmas tree ornaments from my sister in Jersey over an iChat video chat which was so kind of weirdly the-future-is-now that I think I'm still trying to get my head around it. posted by Robotpolisher 11:23 AM :: Comments:
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